Network Components

Types of Network Components:
  • Devices
  • Media
  • Services
Network Devices are physical devices which are helped in communication between hardware on a computer network

There are two types of Devices
  • End Devices
  • Intermediary Devices
End Devices:

End Devices are a Source or a Destination Device in a Network.  In Easy way we can say the device at the end of the Network is called End Devices
End Devices are the interface between the human and communication network

Here we can some of the End Devices used in our Communication Network.

Functions of End Devices

Intermediary Devices

Intermediary devices interconnect end devices.
These devices provide network connectivity and ensure that data flows across the network.
Intermediary devices connect the individual hosts to the network.

Here we can some of the Intermediary Devices used in our Communication Network.

Functions of Intermediary Devices

Network Media

Communication across a network is carried on a medium.
The medium provides the channel over which the message travels from source to destination.

Three types of media
  • Copper
  • Fiber Optics
  • Wireless
Criteria for choosing media

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